[bksvol-discuss] Re: reading in mp3Re: Re: question: Re: page breaks

  • From: Cindy <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 19:54:05 -0800 (PST)

Thanks, Sue. I've never read a Silhouette romance but
if people like them I'll look for Pamela's name as
submitter, as well as the fact that they're Silhoutte
or, perhaps Harlequin? Is that the other kind you were
trying to think of? and validate them if I can find
the books to compare them with. I know they're popular
and we have a number of them in our library bookstore,
but I don't think they have them in the library

Although, now that I re-read your post again, I can't
put hard page breaks into txt files, though I can
space between page numbers. We'll see what the
administrators say on Monday about that.

Shelley is one of the people, and I could name others
but I won't because I'm afraid of omitting a name that
would deserve to be mentioned, who does a careful and
excellent job of pre-validating before submission.
Kudos to all of you who do, and you know who you are
-- and to those of you, too, who take the time to
validate carefully, also.




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