[bksvol-discuss] Re: reading in mp3Re: Re: question: Re: page breaks

  • From: Mike Pietruk <pietruk@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 23:59:31 -0500 (EST)


I too have rejected books such as you describe.  I think two things are at 
play here:

after you do enough validating, you develop a gut instinct as to what is 
readable and what isn't.

Different folks have different tollerance levels.

What is required are standards tha are high enough to bring about 
acceptible reading quality but not high enough that will discourage 
That becomes a tough judgment call I think each of us views this one a bit 

I still believe that good labeling to forewarn readers of less than 
topnotch text can go far to address many of these issues.
And there are a lot of issues here including page breaks, text quality, 
good formatting, et al.

While each of our opinions are interesting, ultimately it's Palo Alto's 
I just hope that they remember the spirit of Bookshare and not turn book 
scanning into an activity of a handful of elete.
It's a tough balancing act, and hopefully a satisfactory solution can be 
developed keeping large 
numbers of new submissions coming from a wide variety of submitters 
representing a wide
spectrum of interest.
It is that diversity that makes the Bookshare collection what it is;
and remember that improved standards might mean that the book you want 
won't become available as the submitter cannot meet those standards.
And what would you rather have -- I know, I know; it is different things 
to different people;
hence, we're back to that no simple answer thing.

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