[procps] Re: top / procps-ng-3.3.7 - no screen cleaning at exit?

  • From: Jaromir Capik <jcapik@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 07:00:28 -0400 (EDT)

> Hi Jaromir,

Hi Jim.

> I had no prior experience with the screen program, but I've got a little
> more insight now...
> As it turns out, screen is reporting to top that the terminal has the
> 'enter_ca_mode/smcup/ti' capability yet that window manager does not
> mirror the normal behavior when you quit top.
> So if you want top to behave as he would outside of that screen program,
> then the only way I've found so far is to provide a terminal definition
> without that capability.
> For example, I compiled a definition for xterm without enter_ca_mode,
> named it screen.xterm and placed it with the other
> '/usr/share/terminfo/s/' definitions.  Then top acts just as he did
> under 3.3.6 (and as he will when a terminal truly doesn't provide
> smcup).

I haven't analysed that yet. I only tested 'mc' and it behaves
differently when running inside/outside the 'screen' session.
If it runs outside, then I get the previous terminal state.
If it runs inside, the screen is cleaned and the cursor is
at the bottom of the terminal window. Maybe a similar behaviour
could be achieved? Don't know ... 


> Regards,
> Jim

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