[procps] some misc top-3.3.8 stuff

  • From: Jim Warner <james.warner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 03:43:57 -0500

Hi Craig,

Attached are 5 patches for top.

The most significant is probably the one reverting %CPU & %MEM to their former 
precision and widths.

In hindsight that was not my best idea and the recent Debian bug #707648 was 
the latest complaint.  But just in case some might prefer the extra precision, 
I've made the choice a build option.

I would have included the ps systemd additions in NEWS, but I don't yet know 
enough about them.

Do you think we could have a 3.3.8 release soon?  The SEGV fix is justification 
enough but it would be nice to have NUMA support made official too.


p.s. If you do prepare a 3.3.8 release, don't forget LIBprocps_REVISION.  The 
following commits suggest it should be bumped.

commit 95d0136281ec00c68e2994d708fec4dd28275453
commit 526bc5dfa924177e68be0123bd67e3370955f924
commit 6d605f521c54a7011b7a255762621febda4f67e8

Attachment: top-misc-3.3.8.tgz
Description: Binary data

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  • » [procps] some misc top-3.3.8 stuff - Jim Warner