[procps] Re: top / procps-ng-3.3.7 - no screen cleaning at exit?

  • From: Jaromir Capik <jcapik@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 11:16:07 -0400 (EDT)

> Hi Jaromir,

Hi Jim.

> Now that Craig has pushed my previous pending patches, I hope you'll push the
> attached the top 'screen' accommodation patch.


> Afterward, you might wish to file some bug reports for the following.
> 1) At least one Fedora /etc/screenrc default should be changed.  If
> 'altscreen on' had been enabled (or added to any $HOME/.screenrc), then the
> top "corruption" that began this odyssey would never have occurred.  Even
> though top is now immune, there might be other programs relying on a proper
> rmcup response.
> 2) Cursor directives are not always honored by screen.  While running top
> outside of and then under screen, watch the cursor visibility during this
> sequence:
>       . 'h'   (for help)
>       . ^Z    (suspend)
>       . fg    (resume)
> 3) The Fedora-18 manipulation of a terminal title when using screen is a nice
> enhancement.  But if the original title can't be restored upon screen exit,
> a better choice for the supplied termcapinfo 'ds' literal might be 'screen
> ended' rather than the current 'screen'.  As it is, if a user concludes a
> screen session was still active, upon exit they'll lose the entire tty.

I'll try to find some tome for these during the next week (need to test/play
with that first).

> Thanks in advance.

Thank you.

> Regards,
> Jim


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