[AR] Re: Congratulations to USC for Traveler IV launch

  • From: Henry Vanderbilt <hvanderbilt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arocket@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Shepherd Kruse <shepherd.h.kruse@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 26 May 2019 11:53:15 -0700

Good points.  My suggested approach did sort of assume you'd be starting from nothing.  That may well be the case - serious student rocketry programs can come and go - but find out what if anything is already going on - don't necessarily wait till you arrive there next fall either - and depending on what's there, consider starting out as part of an existing project.

Another point to explore: What's the existing safety culture?  Are they already comfortable with things like LOX handling and biprop test stands?  If so, within what limits?  If not, you might well spend some part of your first year working with the Academy engineering safety people to find out and arrange to provide whatever procedural and documentation and certification and other-people's-projects-that-didn't-kill-anyone assurances they'd need to support such.  That process too would be significantly educational...


On 5/26/2019 11:28 AM, D K wrote:

First of all, see what they have done in the past. Successfully and unsuccessfully. Then see what the current projects are. Join a team as a grunt worker the first year. Learn the ropes at the Academy. Then evaluate what is possible to do and what you want to do. Find the intersection and work in that direction.

Don't go it alone and assume kudos and kumbiyas for your ideas as a freshman or sophomore. Demonstrate your abilities via hard work and dedication to this new group. Get a skin or two on the wall. Then start proposing. And progressing.

Doug Knight

On Sat, May 25, 2019, 5:51 PM Shepherd Kruse <shepherd.h.kruse@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:shepherd.h.kruse@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    I’m a student headed to the Air Force academy this Fall. I like
    the thought process of going directly to liquids and spending all
    the time and resources perfecting an engine. I’m hoping to get
    backed by the Astro department and getting the rocketry program up
    and running again. I’ve done a lot of work on my own, but as far
    as success goes, what would you advise for me to focus on
    potentially leading a USAFA rocketry team?


    Shepherd Kruse
    On May 25, 2019, 1:04 PM -0600, D K <dougchar001@xxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:dougchar001@xxxxxxxxx>>, wrote:
    Having done student projects involving rocketry for the last 15
    years or so, while none this big, this is a major accomplishment.
    Students come and go administrations come and go, risk tolerance
    of management varies, and interest at the institution can vary as
    well. To work this long this hard and build upon the knowledge to
    make it work is a major accomplishment in my opinion.

    The caveat on student rocketry programs is one bad mistake, test,
    flight can often ruin the whole program. Forgiveness for my
    perspective is rare. Ending a multi-year program that affects
    multiple students is not worth certain risks, IMO. Why liquids
    are a completely different ballgame at University settings.

    And the reality is in a university setting we're training
    students to go out and work in different industries, oftentimes
    not involving rocketry, especially in small programs such as
    mine. Ultimately the student is more important than the rocket
    not the other way around. The student is our real deliverable.
    Why I'm only now starting to consider hybrids but at a very small
    scale initially. And like the previous poster said you can do a
    whole lot involving rocketry systems with solids as the propellant.

    Doug Knight

    On Sat, May 25, 2019, 1:58 PM Henry Spencer
    <hspencer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:hspencer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        On Sat, 25 May 2019, Bruno Berger SPL wrote:
        > Starting with a solid  motor (eg a commercial one) is IMHO
        not wrong. So
        > you get your experience with the airframe, avionics,
        telemetry, recovery
        > etc before you maybe switch to liquids. The chance is great
        that you
        > will never fly something if you start with the development
        of a liquid
        > engine first...

        The flip side of this, though, is projects that decide to fly
        first with
        solids and then switch to liquids, but die when they try to
        make that

        Whether starting with solids makes sense depends on your
        goals.  For sure,
        getting something liquid working is a big hurdle. But if you
        *must* jump
        that hurdle to achieve your goals, flying with solids first
        might not be
        the best use of effort.  For example, if your goal is a
        system that does
        DC-X-style powered landings, then learning how to do reliable
        recovery (which is harder than it looks, especially given
        that almost
        every failure means building a new rocket) might be a costly

        Part of the problem is that there's a hidden mistake here,
        lurking in
        Bruno's own wording.  Quite likely it *is* a mistake to start
        development of a liquid *engine*, if your goal requires
        development of a
        liquid *propulsion system*.  With solids, the engine pretty
        much is the
        whole propulsion system.  With liquids, not so -- not even
        close.  People
        seldom do post-mortems on failed projects, but I think a lot
        of them would
        show that the project died between "engine drawings complete"
        and "first
        successful firing", because getting the *rest* of the
        propulsion system
        working was planned to take a weekend, and after two 14-hour
        days they
        realized they were only getting started.

        People who want a liquid propulsion system should not start,
        as so many of
        them do, by trying to design their ideal liquid engine. 
        Better to start
        with the simplest and crudest engine possible, with no
        intention that it
        will ever fly, to get experience with plumbing, fluid
        handling, controls,
        ignition, plumbing, data acquisition, test operations,
        plumbing, etc. :-),
        before you maybe switch to a more sophisticated engine
        design.  Not least,
        because that experience is going to change your ideas about
        what the more
        sophisticated engine should look like.

        > for student projects it's important that you see results
        soon to keep
        > them motivated.

        Agreed, and in fact I would omit "for student projects" --
        seeing results
        soon is important for any volunteer effort, and it sure
        doesn't hurt for
        investor relations either.

        For low-budget projects with an inexperienced team and
        nervous sponsors,
        the dinospace dogma of all-up testing -- build and fly the
        complete final
        system the first time, and of course it will work -- is a
        snare and a
        delusion(*).  Think incremental development and testing instead.

        (* In fact, if you look at how the all-up concept developed
        -- most
        notably, its use for Project Apollo -- the people involved
        didn't believe
        for an instant that the first test was certain to succeed. 
        They tried for
        it, they hoped for it, and they were prepared to exploit it if it
        happened, but they were far from sure of it.  The "and of
        course it will
        work" part got added later, by the ignorant and overconfident. )


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