[optacon-l] Re: AW: Re: To All Subscribers Of This List

  • From: Debby Franson <the.bee@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: optacon-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 23:45:18 -0600

Hi Ollie and everyone!

Yes, a teacher can definitely make or break a class.  It's sad to read that 
some Optacon teachers said the Optacon was useless.  I learned how to use 
the Optacon in 1981.  My teacher was a very proficient total who exposed me 
to many types of reading material.  I was told to bring a book I wanted to 

The opposite can be true.  When I was looking for the right access 
technology for my first computer in 1991, I went to a few access technology 
demonstrations in my area.  I live in central Illinois.  All of them seemed 
to be pushing JAWS very hard.  I did my homework and chose Vocal-Eyes 
instead and have been a customer of GW Micro ever since.  It's the right 
one for me, so I'm glad I did my homework and chose my screen reader and 
synthesizer independantly rather than folowing any hype.

Ever since I saw a story about the Optacon on a TV news program where Candy 
was reading, I knew I wanted one.  I was so excited to know such a thing 
existed.  When I was a child, I used to enjoy paging through my mom's 
books.  I dreamed of reading print books someday, but didn't know how it 
could be possible, but imagine there would be a way.

During my two-week Optacon training, after working with it all day, I'd 
come back to the dorm and read my book in the evenings rather than watching 
TV or goofing off.  My teacher could tell I was reading, because she saw my 
improvement.  I still use it almost every day.


At 07:36 AM 11/5/2012, Mallard wrote
>Well, guys,
>I cantell you why many people didn't even want to try...
>Some of the instructors, who were suppose to communicate enthusiasm and
>motivate new learners, actually told them (first thing, evenbefore
>starting the course) that the Optacon was in fact useless, and that only
>a tiny number of "very exceptional people" could do something with it...
>So it was a waste of time, not worth putting effort into it, because
>they would never beable to use it anyway...
>And, as you can imagine, that's not the most exciting way to start a new
>adventure... Something that requires time and motivation...
>I've noticed a mental laziness rather than a physical one. A lot of
>people who repeat endlessly something they've heard say, rather than
>experimenting things themselves.
>If one of the organisation leaders says NVDA is rubbish, you can be sure
>all the mailing lists will report that NVDA is rubbish... And nobody
>will want to try it, because "someone" said it's rubbish...
>Then they try it, because they have some specific needs, like using a
>computer at school and not beingallowed to install Jaws, ro even the
>Video Intercept, and they call me and ask about NVDA... I help them make
>a portable version on a pendrive, and the following week they come back
>all enthusiastic, praising NVDA as if they'd invented it themselves!!!
>I've taken NVDA as an example, because that's what I'm experiencing in
>these very days, but it could be Android, or Vinux, or anything else...
>I'm saying all this with a mixture of anger and sadness, because these
>epople deprive themselves of a lot of personal independence and
>autonomy, just by letting themselves be robbed of the desire to
>experiment new things... What a pity!
>Il 05/11/2012 9.08, Hanspeter Schaffner ha scritto:
> > Hello Fran and all
> >
> >> I don't know, sometimes I feel very different
> >> from the average blind person.
> > Me, too.
> >> I wonder: how could they give up the
> >> treasures that the optacon lets us access??
> >
> > I think because they are too lazy to read with an optacon (if it is not 
> that
> > they are unable to learn or practize it for whatever reasen).
> >
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The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours 
forth foolishness.
Proverbs 15:2 NKJV

"Teach me, and I will hold my tongue
; Cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
Job 6:24 NKJV

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