[procps] Re: w and "make check"

  • From: Alfredo Esteban <aedelatorre@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 02:42:49 +0200


Craig, you are right, uptime test fails too.

The problem is in load average. In Spanish, official decimal mark is comma
(from Spanish Academy rules). In current w output load average decimal mark
is comma (I suppose sprintf takes it according to locale value, see
whattime.c:93) but dejagnu test assumes dot as decimal mark.

In fact, look at the w output in a Spanish system:

 02:17:45 up  2:42,  3 users,  load average: *0,20, 0,56, 0,81*
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
alfredo  pts/0    :0.0             23:36   57:09   0.26s  0.26s bash
alfredo  pts/1    :0.0             23:38    *0.00s  0.81s  0.00s w*
alfredo  pts/2    :0.0             23:41   57:50   0.33s  0.33s bash

There are dot and commas as decimal marks.

The solution is choosing one of them and be consistent. The rest of the
output is not translated and 99.999% of Spanish native speakers understand
a number with dot as decimal mark so in my opinion we should use dot as
decimal mark.

What do you think?


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