[procps] Re: w and "make check"

  • From: Alfredo Esteban <aedelatorre@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 01:05:45 +0200

2012/6/30 Mike Frysinger <vapier@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Saturday 30 June 2012 05:59:50 Alfredo Esteban wrote:
>> 2012/6/30 Mike Frysinger <vapier@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> > why not just run the tests in LC_ALL=C ?
>> This change fix the problem when running dejagnu test but
>> inconsistency in Spanish speaker systems persists.
> the point is to make the tests stable and allow for the debate as to the
> expected output in other locales to continue in parallel.  the tests are for
> functionality, not making sure localizations stay up to date.

I think there was a misunderstanding. I'm not against setting locale
to "C" in dejagnu test. I just said it wasn't enough.

>> All the text is English and it makes no sense to have two different decimal
>> marks.
> lack of contributed translation for strings is not a valid reason for
> disabling localization everywhere.  the correct answer is to fix the missing
> translation strings.  feel free to contribute some.

Probably. My proposition was temporary, until output was translated.

>> It is confusing for us also because comma is used as value separator:
> i have no opinion as to the format of the numbers, but it sounds like you're
> making sweeping generalizations here.  since i don't live in an area that
> localizes this way, i don't know what the expectation is.

I'm sure that every Spanish speaker who is able to understand "w"
output is able to understand a number with dot as decimal mark.
Influence of English standard is very strong (think about calculators,
for example). In fact, there are already numbers like this in current
w output... Anyway, I understand that my solution is not elegant so I
won't insist on it.

However, even if we translate strings, there is a problem with "load
average" in Spanish, French, German, etc:

load average: 0,67, 0,63, 0,51

Using comma for both separating number and decimal mark is confusing.
I think we could use another character as separator. What do you think
about semicolon, dash or two blanks? If you agree I would write the
patch for whattime.c and dejagnu test files (it would affect top,
uptime, w ...). Craig, would you commit this patch?


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