RE: TX Enqueues - mode 4

  • From: "Fedock, John (KAM.RHQ)" <John.Fedock@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 11:18:43 -0400

I suspect that my situation is related to 1 and/or 2 below.  I have a =
very intensive OLTP system with many thousand EDI records being =
inserted/updated per hour.  As it grows, these TX, mode 4 issues occure =
more and more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bobak, Mark [mailto:Mark.Bobak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:53 AM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: TX Enqueues - mode 4

There are certainly cases where TX enqueues can wait on mode 4, that is,
where REQUEST is mode 4.

Off the top of my head:
 - ITL slot shortage (note that this will not happen to tables on =
INSERT, since Oracle is smart enough to grab another block off the =
freelist.  It still could happen on an index on the table, on an insert, =
 - Overlapping uncommitted primary key values in two sessions. (session =
a enters key=3D1, then session b enters key=3D2, then session a enters =
key=3D2, then session b enters key=3D1)
 - Concurrent sessions overlap on usage of a bitmap index segment.  =
(This is
why OLTP and bitmap indexes do not mix.)
 - Too many freelists for a segment can cause a shortage of transaction=20
freelists.  (In my experience this is very rare.  I've never seen it =
of a constructed experiment to prove it can happen.)

Hope that helps,


-----Original Message-----
From:   Mladen Gogala [mailto:mladen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:   Wed 4/7/2004 9:40 AM
To:     oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:        Re: TX Enqueues - mode 4

On 04/07/2004 09:01:48 AM, "Fedock, John (KAM.RHQ)" wrote:
>  I know I have TX enqueues, with a mode =3D 4. From all my research, I =
bet it is ITL related.=20

Transaction enqueues with LMODE=3D4? In my reference document, LMODE=3D4
is "shared", while  TX enqueues are always with mode 6 like here:

QL> select * from v$lock where sid=3D28;
ADDR     KADDR           SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    =
-------- -------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- =
     CTIME      BLOCK
---------- ----------
734B89C0 734B8ACC         28 TX     196645     100864          6         =
        62          0
7345BFA8 7345BFBC         28 TM      40371          0          3         =
        62          0

Here, I have a locked row. TX lock (row lock) is mode 6 (eexclusive) and =
DDL lock (TM)
is mode 3 (Shared, row-exclusive). I don't see how can you have 4 in the =
LMODE field
and TX in the Type field.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
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