Re: TX Enqueues - mode 4

  • From: Mladen Gogala <mladen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 10:04:42 -0400

It does help, but having  a DW-type system, I don't ever see ITL waits. However,
on Scott Gosset's "internals" course, I learned to look into ROW_WAIT_ROW# 
column of
V$SESSION. If a transaction is waiting on a  TX lock and ROW_WAIT_ROW# is 0 or 
then the transaction is waiting on an ITL entry. I have never experienced that 
in practice and I've never seen type TX and LMODE (requested or granted) = 4.

On 04/07/2004 09:52:53 AM, "Bobak, Mark" wrote:
> Mladen,
> There are certainly cases where TX enqueues can wait on mode 4, that is,
> where REQUEST is mode 4.

Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
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