Re: TX Enqueues - mode 4

  • From: Mladen Gogala <mladen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 09:40:16 -0400

On 04/07/2004 09:01:48 AM, "Fedock, John (KAM.RHQ)" wrote:
>  I know I have TX enqueues, with a mode = 4. From all my research, I bet it 
> is ITL related. 

Transaction enqueues with LMODE=4? In my reference document, LMODE=4
is "shared", while  TX enqueues are always with mode 6 like here:

QL> select * from v$lock where sid=28;
ADDR     KADDR           SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST
-------- -------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
     CTIME      BLOCK
---------- ----------
734B89C0 734B8ACC         28 TX     196645     100864          6          0
        62          0
7345BFA8 7345BFBC         28 TM      40371          0          3          0
        62          0

Here, I have a locked row. TX lock (row lock) is mode 6 (eexclusive) and DDL 
lock (TM)
is mode 3 (Shared, row-exclusive). I don't see how can you have 4 in the LMODE 
and TX in the Type field.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
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