RE: Oracle 911 Article

  • From: Rachel Carmichael <wisernet100@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 02:54:30 -0800 (PST)

our change management process works that way.... even emergency changes
have to go through an accelerated process in test

--- Niall Litchfield <n-litchfield@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > You guys are going to enjoy this :-).
> > 
> > I just read a very interesting article that managed to insult 
> > some of my
> > favorite Oracle authors and the entire state of Alabama!
> Hmm we have a script with a number of ctas statements in it
> Where 'pope'='catholic'
> Where 'manager name'='in'
> Where 'niall'='big and clever' etc
> I read the alabama comment in the same light. 
> >  Now 
> > I've heard Mr.
> > Burleson speak before, and I must admit that I thought he was 
> > a dynamic and
> > entertaining speaker.  But do you really think that Oracle 
> > Support has ever
> > told anyone to call HIM to solve their performance problems 
> > (his article
> > makes this claim)?
> I doubt that oracle support make specific partner recommendation in
> an iTAR though they might. On the other hand if you have purchased
> support from oracle because you have no-one experienced in house
> (though why you would then be running oracle is beyond me) I can
> imagine support saying something along the lines of , "well if you
> are uncomfortable with doing this you might hire either ourselves or
> a third party oracle specialist to do this work for you". The first
> consultancy site that is returned in a google search for "oracle
> expert" is 
> In general I didn't like the tone of the article, but I do have to
> agree with jonathan that the article focusses on business problems
> and implications for clients, I like that. That said I find this
> approach hard to square with "Unlike academic and scientific Oracle
> DBAs who demand proofs and reproducible results before making an
> Oracle change". We can't be the only Oracle house that has a change
> management process that involves reproducing problems  on test and
> applying a fix to show that it works first can we? This is a business
> process and definitely not a result of the DBA insisting on proof
> before changes are applied. All good change management requires some
> evidence that the change will have the desired effect - doesn't it? 
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> Audit Commission
> +44 117 975 7805 
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