Re: Oracle 911 Article

  • From: "Richard Foote" <richard.foote@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 11:53:54 +1000

Hi Don,

Nice to hear from you. Would you mind answering a few questions regarding
your article ?

- All the reasons you've listed why clients contact you involve there not
being a suitable DBA on-site. Hence all the scenarios you've listed are ones
easily fixed if there was a DBA on site. Would you agree that's a valid
general assessment ? Would you agree with Nuno's assessment that the real
silver bullet is to actually get someone competent on site ?

- How common is it for "entire factories with thousands of workers" ,
"hospitals", "large financial" companies to not have a suitably qualified
DBA available ? Do you think this is a serious enough issue to require
government intervention as the ramifications as you describe could be
horrendous ?

- Is you're article therefore aimed specifically at those sites that don't
have a DBA but may want a clue as to what to do when something elementary
goes wrong ?

- Are you planning to write a follow-up article that might be more aimed at
full time, less holidaying, more experienced DBAs that have more difficult
tuning issues to resolve ?

- What is your methodology in determining quickly and *accurately* an
appropriate solution when a less trivial issue arises (eg. some platform
specific issue, obscure bugs, redo logs refuse to switch for some bizarre
reason, execution plans suddenly go ballistic when nothing appears to have
changed for a fortnight, block corruption causes a redo segment to behave
unexpectedly with no obvious sign of the cause, PGA memory balloons causing
paging galore for no obvious reasons, etc. etc. etc.) ?

- Are all the outputs for your scripts and statspack reports made up ? If
not, why are they inconsistent, similar to each other despite being
different databases, etc. etc.

- Do you have someone that proof reads your material before you publish it
or do you believe in living documents that get fixed and improved as time
goes on ? What measures do you take to ensure that your articles are as
error free as possible ?

- If you feel so strongly about silver bullets, why did you rename your
silver bullet o_i_c_a article and remove the word silver bullet from the
article ? Have you given anyone public credit for highlighting all the
errors in that article that gave rise for you to rewrite the thing ?

- And finally while I have your attention, why have almost all your postings
that you made on the newsgroup disappeared from
the google archives ? All that beautiful history of all those wonderful
postings you made are now no longer, except when repeated in postings by
others ? Does this cause you some concern ?

Once again, great hearing from you, love to hear your views on the above.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Burleson" <don@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 4:47 AM
Subject: Re: Oracle 911 Article

> Hi David,Regarding wrote:
> do you really think that Oracle Support has ever told anyone to call HIM
> solve their performance problems (his article makes this claim)?"
> Hm, what I wrote was this: "- We called MetaLink Support and we don’t
> understand their instructions. They said that we could call you."
> Yes, I get referral calls from Oracle Support and MetaLink, always when a
> customer has no DBA or they have a vendor package running Oracle, and no
> in-house technical knowledge to send the required trace and dump files to
> Oracle support.
> David wrote: "(You) managed to insult some of my favorite Oracle authors".
> Um, my article refers to the "pontifications of theoreticians and
> ivory-tower academics", and I’m not aware of any Oracle authors who match
> that criteria.
> Which of your favorite Oracle authors are you referring to?  ;-)
> You also claim that I insult the Rednecks of Alabama.
> I’ve been studying Redneck Theology for many years, and I’m making great
> progress.  Check it out:
> Anyway, lighten up!  I think we all take Oracle way-too seriously
> . . .
> Sorry to ramble, but I’m still in-shock after reading something nice
> from Nuno Souto. . . .
> Take care, Y’all . . . .
> Regards,Donald K.
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