RE: HTML DB - here to stay?

  • From: "John Kanagaraj" <john.kanagaraj@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <rjamya@xxxxxxxxx>, <Peter.Hitchman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:29:04 -0700

 >> Bottomline, it is here to stay (most of OTN runs on it), give it a
shot, it is really simple. 
Btw, AskTom runs on HTML DB as well. PHP is good but if you are a simple
(!) PL/SQL programmer, stick with HTML DB. Personally, this is a very
good product which has not been given the right amount of
publicity/support. If you have applications that require simple data
in/data out in small quantities, it is a great tool.
John Kanagaraj

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