Re: HTML DB - here to stay?

  • From: stephen booth <>
  • To: Rodd.Holman@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 20:33:30 +0100

On 28/09/05, Rodd Holman <Rodd.Holman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yep, it was called WebDB.
> HTML DB appears to be a re-run of WebDB updated for current versions.
> I did a bit of work with WebDB.  It was  a useful little tool for quick
> data driven web reporting.

According to a talk Tom Kyte gave to UKOUG conference last year or the
year before HTMLDB is, in concept at least, a descendant of WebDB.  
WebDB was a first stab at producing a development and deployment
environment for simple web based apps that didn't justify a full
AppServer system.


It's better to ask a silly question than to make a silly assumption.

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