RE: HTML DB - here to stay?

  • From: "Doug Gault" <Doug.Gault@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:57:21 -0500

   I've had a lot of past experience with HTML-DB and have implemented at two
   customer facing applications that also linked in to Oracle's Single Sign

   Before I went down this road, I talked to the Oracle Product development
   manager for HTML-DB (Sergio Luscenin?) and he assured me that Oracle was
   devoting both human and monetary resources for further development.

   I've also heard about the RAPTOR project (fully written in HTMLDB) and am
   pretty anxious to see that.

   The only thing I would add to others who have already spoken up is that
   along with reasonable PL/SQL knowledge, you need to have a fair
   understanding of the HTML DOM and how HTTP applications work in terms of
   POST and GET. It will save some confusion later.


   Doug Gault (doug.gault@xxxxxxxxxx)
   Products Development Manager

   Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.

   817.488.6200 x565 Office
   214-693-3039 Cell 



   From: Peter.Hitchman@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:Peter.Hitchman@xxxxxxxxxxx]
   Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 3:31 AM
   To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
   Subject: RE: HTML DB - here to stay?

   Thanks for all of the comments, my current conclusion is that it is worth
   looking at HTML DB and that we should at least try to use it to replace
   all those little Access based applications the people involved with this
   have developed over the years.

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