RE: Flash-only MetaLink :-(

  • From: Yong Huang <yong321@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:36:08 -0700 (PDT)

You mean you want to search using some keywords but excluding some other? This 
page, which I bookmark, does that:

Unfortunately, it's metalink2, so may go away soon. (If you remove 2, it will 
be redirected to metalink2.)

On general-pupose search sites (Google etc), you can use keywords "word1 
-word2" (no quotes) to exclude word2. It looks like this syntax only works in 
MyOracleSupport, not Classic.

Yong Huang

----- Original Message -----

That's actually one bright spot in the flash version -- it's called
PowerView, and does indeed do what you describe, although I do need to turn
it off occasionally to grab articles that are possibly misplaced.


> Agreed on that.  It would also be nice to able to exclude all results
> that, say,  involved Rdb.  Hey, I'm old enough to have believed Ken
> Olson's snake oil comments about *nix and I still think the VMS cluster
> was a great invention but I really don't like having to ignore all those
> Rdb articles when I am looking for an Oracle-specific item.  :-)
> -joe


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