Re: [ANN] Universal Lua (beta1) -- A LuaJIT Package Manager

  • From: Cosmin Apreutesei <cosmin.apreutesei@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 09:59:07 +0300

I have been working on a package manager / distribution for Lua(JIT) and I am
releasing its first beta version.

Very interesting. How long have you silently cooking this up? :)

no compiling needed

Can you describe the build system? Are binaries included? Can I rebuild them?

Does it integrate with git any? What is the workflow from starting to
write a module till publication?

* 1 KLOC Lua + lfs + curl + zip

So transport is http. No git?

* 1-package <-> 1-module <-> 1-directory (module name == package name)

So no multi-module packages?

* no package database


* meta information: <module_name>/__meta.lua is everything needed to

What do you put in it?

* multiple major versions are allowed (right one is required looking at
__meta.lua) but no others

So you can do require'foo' and require'foo-2' ?

How do you do that? I noticed that lua.cmd loads the package manager
(1000LOC) every time. Is that required in order to load any lua module
/ app ?

* relative directories and uniform behavior across OSes: installation can be
moved around and accessed by multiple OSes

Portable installation tree, very cool.

* support for { Windows, Linux, OSX } x { x86, x64 } in each package

What does that include? build scripts? binaries? etc.

* support for embedded C-libs (dynamic libraries needed by the module)

What is your approach to that?

* both the package manager and the LuaJIT binaries are updateable via the
package manager itself

Makes sense.

local pkg = require 'pkg'

Is there a cmdline too?


This is really nice. Something I haven't yet got to do: import/export
between luarocks and luapower.

Suggestions and comments are appreciated.

Great work. I'm excited to see fresh interest in this area
(deployment/package management). I'll try your package manager and
come up with more questions, and maybe even attempt a comparison to
luapower if I can find the time. Or maybe you can share some thoughts
on that first.


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