Re: [ANN] Universal Lua (beta1) -- A LuaJIT Package Manager

  • From: Cosmin Apreutesei <cosmin.apreutesei@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 00:39:20 +0300

Hi Stefano,

Great feedback, thanks.

You can unzip my modules in any standard Lua 5.1 installation and they work.

Well, provided they load your universal loader first, right?

Actually, that's an interesting idea. So basically users could load
modules from different module distributions, provided they load that
distro's specific loader first, eg.:

require'foo' --found by universal loader
require'bar' --found by luapower's loader
require'baz' --found by luarocks' loader

Maybe I should write a luapower loader then :)

I did not want to have to depend on GIT

Oh, git is a mess, I know. I wanna make clear though that you don't
have to use git unless you actually want version control. All releases
are available in zip form on the website (as well as on github, in
fact github makes them).

and I found it a bit too complex
for my tastes (see the dependency tracing stuff for instance). I was looking
for a minimal solution to achieve the objectives I had in mind.

I see, that's a fair point.

Dependency tracking was a time saver for me because I wrote a fair
number of modules and declaring dependencies for all of them would've
been a nightmare for me (not to mention that I would've gotten half of
them wrong because it's so boring).

Thanks for your feedback Stefano, I'll try to improve on the
simplicity aspect, that's very important to me. I'm tired of learning
new ways of doing the same thing myself :)

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