[GeoStL] Re: (Semi ngr)Camping Recommendations?

  • From: Glenn <Glenn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocaching@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Geocache STL List" <geocaching@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 19:16:36 -0500

Depending on your mission, support needs, and how far you dont want to 
drive,  I camp at several places that are pretty nice.  All depends on the 
weather, how far,  what your gonna do and what you need when you get there.


At 04:32 PM 8/22/2004, tklnhl wrote:

>If there is a term that means less than novice, that would be us when it 
>comes to camping.  We have or have access to the appropriate camping stuff 
>-- now need a good place to go.
>Can you all suggest  a good spot that has camping close to a kid-friendly 
>river?  Caching would be optional as getting through CAMPING will be the 
>first chore.   We've been going through the State park and Forest Service 
>websites. Some even have pictures of every campsite. That's a great 
>website feature, but having never been there, it's hard to tell if they 
>are good sites or not.
>I remember camping as a kid and we seemed to always be able to camp right 
>on or very close to little river bank or a just short walk to pebbly and 
>sandy beaches and shut-in type rivers ( somehow hippies, drugs and snakes 
>in relation to the Shut-ins comes to mind too),  Of course, I sort of 
>remember a few evacuations also. (Hmmmmmmm and now that I'm off topic, the 
>fear of Mo-Mo the Monster is a predominate memory form a few Table rock 
>State Park area camping trips.)  The parentals seem to think these places 
>might have been Meramec State Park, Meramec Caverns, Washington State 
>Park, Silver Mines. Things change in 35 years.
>Oh yes, very modern, potty and shower facilities close by would be lovely 
>too  LOL.
>Previously we had been the  sleep-in-a-van-bring-a-microwave 
>types.  Roughing it has it's limits.
>All suggestions from the experts are gladly accepted.
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