[BNU] how to fix crashing issue in the FM radio on the Apex

  • From: Mohamed Al-Hajamy <malhajamy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: braillenote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 17:16:26 -0400

Many users may notice that while in the FM radio, when a key like dot 5 is pressed, it will crash, requiring a reset to fix.
Steps to reproduce.
1. Create a preset, making sure that it is the only preset you have.
2. Delete it, exit the radio, re enter it, then press a key like dot 5. This does not work with enter, space, or backspace.
The problem is a hidden file in the "Dictionaries" folder called radiodata.dat. I believe that what may be happening is that it tries to search the dat file for stations matching the letter you entered, fails, and then crashes as a result, since the file is empty.
To fix this, go in to your "Dictionaries" folder, press space with x until "list of all, including hidden, files" is displayed, and delete the file called radiodata.dat.
Hope this helps anyone facing this problem.
Fun fact: this appears to be a long standing bug in the BrailleNote. On the MPower, if the same steps are taken to reproduce the Apex issue, it tries to tune in to the frequency 0.2 FM.
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Other related posts:

  • » [BNU] how to fix crashing issue in the FM radio on the Apex - Mohamed Al-Hajamy