[BNU] amazing experience!

  • From: Ann Parsons <akp@sero.email>
  • To: braillenote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 08:42:42 -0400

Morning all,

I just had the most amazing experience! I got a call on Google Hangouts, and I was able to respond. I had to call my party back because I couldn't figure out how to answer the call from where the Touch was. It was locked, and I didn't recognize the sound. How does one answer a hangouts call? Do you use that funny button on the right side of the Touch?

Anyway, it worked just fine, good audio, no problems, but it said video call. How can I make a video call when the dingdong camera is on the back of the Touch? Ees a puzzlement.

Ann P.

Ann K. Parsons
Portal Tutoring
** New EMAIL:  akp@sero.email
web site:  http://www.portaltutoring.info
Skype: Putertutor

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Not all those who wander are lost."
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