[procps] Re: C-States handling - new switch?

  • From: Jim Warner <james.warner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 12:48:39 -0600

On Feb 8, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Jaromir Capik wrote:

> I believe the problem is pretty existent, but regular users
> are often happy with the current behaviour, because they just
> need to know which processes are the most resource eaters.
> They're not interested in long-term statistics and 
> resource reserves. Such needs come in case of monitoring platforms
> for servers where the stats of free reserves become the most
> important part of the graphs.

Hi Jaromir,

I just ran a little test on my 4-core laptop.

Using top with some fprintf statements, taskset for cpu affinity, cpufreq-set 
to force a given frequency and cpufreq-info for verification, here's what I 

The kernel tics recorded for /proc/stat line one AND each individual cpu line 
are virtually identical when running at either 800MHz or 2.10GHz.

Does this make your problem go away?


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