Re: pga_aggregate_target

  • From: Michael Thomas <mhthomas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:48:23 -0700 (PDT)

I'm not sure if sort space is necessarily the problem.
R. Shee gave an interesting presentation on sort
memory usage related to performance at Charlotte in

The presentation is at:

There are some tips in the presentation that may help
you assess memory vs. performance for your loads.

Good luck.


Mike Thomas

--- ryan.gaffuri@xxxxxxx wrote:
> I have alot of batch loading processes that run over
> night. A few them use 2GB or more of sort space in
> my temp tablespace. I know I can increase my
> pga_aggregate_target dynamically, however, I believe
> I read that oracle only allows 1 process to use up
> to 5% of the pga_aggregate_Target.
> anyway to flex this up? I just need the extra sort
> space for a few operations at certain times. 

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