RE: cpu average load

  • From: <Paula_Stankus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <MGogala@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <mstahlke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 22:08:46 -0500

Cpu average load. =20

Guys,  I have started using big brother for monitoring our Unix/Oracle
systems.  I am getting alerts on the cpu utilization: yellow Mon Nov 29 18:36:36 EST 2004 up:
55 day(s), 12 users, 139 procs, load=3D171

LOAD AVG on dohsdb10,doh,ad,state,fl,us is 171

What is a good load average per cpu - this is a Solaris 2.9 smp machine
with multiple cpu's - what should I expect???  How can I tell if this
cpu utilization is affecting performance on the host?


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