Re: Swapping partitions

  • From: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ORACLE-L (E-mail)" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 10:22:10 -0700

Good point, but remember that speed isn't always the most important thing.
Sometimes, uninterrupted availability can be a more important requirement...

on 12/2/04 9:41 AM, Ken Payton at ken.payton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Good point, should have touched that option.  I haven't used it yet but
> did realize it now exists.
> I would do some research before using this option on a large table
> though.  Depending on your requirements you may have to perform this
> online and have no other choice.  If the partition is say 10% of the
> index size I would bet a invalidate and parallelized rebuild with lots
> of sort area would accomplish the task much faster than a serial
> exchange process.  I'm assuming their is no way to parallelize the
> deletes from the index.


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