Swapping partitions

  • From: Tony.Adolph@xxxxxx
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 16:02:50 +0100

Hi all,
I have set up some partitioned tables partitioned by range on a date 

The plan is to roll partitions, ie. each month create a new partition on 
the live table and archive the oldest partition.

I have written the code (perl / DBI) to create the tables and to "roll 
forward" - works a treat :-)

My question is how to roll the oldest partition off. 

I thought I could (after new partition is added)

1 - alter table <main_table> exchange partition <oldest_partition> with 

2 -  drop oldest_partition

3 - similar command to the above to "stick" the temp table onto a 
partition archive table as a new partition.

I could do something like:
insert into <arch_tab> select * from <temp_tab>;
truncate table <temp_tab>;

 but I thought there may be a funkier way using the exchange command!?  I 
base my thought on a line in Practical Oracle 8i by Lewis: "The best way 
to get bulk data >>into<< a partitioned table has to be the exchange 
partition cammand.",  but I must have missed that bit in his explanation. 
I can only see how to get it out.
Any ideas folks?


PS Oracle


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