Re: Problems with MOS

  • From: Dba DBA <oracledbaquestions@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mcdonald.connor@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 08:19:28 -0400

call oracle. I had alot of problems using metalink off of a macintosh 2
years ago. The problem is you will be sent to someone who is non-technical
and they won't know anything. It took me several weeks to even be told that
firefox was not supported.

I believe netscape is supported or was under metalink. However, note that
java on a macintosh is different than java on windows. It was changed by
apple. I have had compatibility problems on my macintosh on other websites.
This  new website is more complex than the previous one so you may have more
problems. I believe my problem was that on a mac  the submit button did not

I ended up submitting tickets from a windows XP Virtual machine I created on
my macintosh.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Connor McDonald

> I've had some issues with MOS lately as well:
> - speediness of response to SR's
> - quality of response to SR's
> - impossible to use UI
> - ridiculously slow flash interface
> - missing advanced features like Cut-Paste,
> Must be my browser version .....
> :-(
> --
> Connor McDonald
> ===========================
> email: connor_mcdonald@xxxxxxxxx
> web:
> "Semper in excremento, sole profundum qui variat"

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