Re: Problems with MOS

  • From: Peter Hitchman <pjhoraclel@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:04:06 +0100

What version of FF is that? It took until late release of version 3.5
and changes on MOS for it work properly with FF on Windows. So you
could contact Oracle about this, but I would guess that you are in the
minority of users accessing the site using FF on a Mac, so you will
not be high on the priority list. Have you tried other browsers?


On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 4:54 AM, amit bansal <amit.bansal82@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have been facing issues with MOS where when I type the content, I am
> unable to see anything. Only after refreshing the browser 2-3 times, I can
> see content. Has anybody else encountered this issue (I use firefox on Mac)
> Regards
> Amit



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