Re: Oracle Grid... ahem Cloud Control 12c

  • From: Kellyn Pot'vin <kellyn.potvin@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "rjoralist2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <rjoralist2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 12:47:58 -0700 (PDT)

I won't lie-  the 11g upgrade project and any chance of getting a new 
production server for the EM, let alone getting to go to the 12c version came 
from a combination of a directional change in the management team and the 
business tired of seeing me sitting down in their office to tell them that we 
were working around another bug, (it does pay off to whine a lot about how much 
they would save in time and money to just let us upgrade instead of spend our 
time on bugs...)  I'm an all Redhat environment, so no issue with platform 
availability here...
I do monitor log and trace files through the EM and report errors.  We've never 
had any issue with it in quite some time, but I do remember having to mess 
around with the search criteria in the metrics a bit when I first upgraded to  

We also have a secondary database schema that has enhanced 
notification/escalation, along with monitoring capabilities that supersedes the 
built-ins of EM, utilized by our 10g EM.  Our DBA team, the four Oracle DBA's, 
(I'm multi-platform, so I work in Oracle primarily, along with SQL Server and 
then am the backup for the MySQL primary DBA, too...) are on-call during the 
day, then weekday evenings and weekends are sent first to an on-call DBA 
service, only escalating to us if the issue is not addressed after a certain 
amount of time or if the severity demands it.  This secondary schema has the 
complex code and rules to understand this over what we could find in the 
built-in's for Enterprise Manager.  Considering the work and the knowledge that 
is already in place for this code, we want to push the EM12c environment to use 
this, too.  I'll keep my blog up to date on how that goes, (cross your fingers!)

I was able to sell the upgrade for mulitple reasons though-  I was hitting into 
a number of bugs in the version.  As the OMS's Apache would clear and 
refresh sessions, it wouldn't be able to do so quickly enough and suffer 
errors, causing folks to receive 404 errors in the browser pages.  Restarting 
the OMS causes the java callback bugs/errors and initialization failures on the 
first try, (2nd try is successful.)  This is just annoying.  The server the OMS 
and EM reside on are quite old, so I'm going to upgrade, decommission, move my 
Apex environment to the same db server that it interacts with for distributed 
transactions anyway, allowing me to also eliminate one Oracle license ,which 
will save the company a little bit of money, too! :)

Kellyn Pot'Vin
Sr. Database Administrator and Developer

From: Rich Jesse <rjoralist2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: Oracle Grid... ahem Cloud Control 12c

Kellyn writes:

> Just want to say- installed, configured EM12c on my new production server,
> auto deployed to my testing targets in parallel with my existing EM 10g
> environment.  Love the solid documentation, the little to no issues during
> installation/auto agent deployment app, LOVE the SQL Monitoring interface
> and some of the new features I've discovered so far....

Color me jealous.  It looks like I'll be stopping at for now.  As a
previous poster mentioned, there's a shortage of available platforms
supported for Agents.  Coupled with a Java failure in the operation of the
EM link created by Preupgade Console Patch, and I'm not going to be hitting
12c anytime soon.  :(

> I have the other DBA's in testing it out with three main developers who need
> to monitor what they do in dev/test.  They seem quite impressed so far with
> the new features I've showed them and are quickly coming up to speed with
> the changes to the GUI vs. the 10g version.

Do you monitor the log and trace files for errors?  I had to stop monitoring
them in 10g for all the Java errors, but I regularly get several others.  I
was hoping that would be improved in 12c...



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