Re: Oracle 9i Top 20 Features?

  • From: Mogens Nørgaard <mln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:32:48 +0200

Yet another person in need of IT Psyciatric assistance. I'm setting up a 
company with that purpose soon, I think. We'll of course assist by 
arranging a string of meetings.


Ellis R. Miller wrote:

> I could provide a "top 10 reasons to run desperately from corporate America"
> list that I am fairly sure is entirely objective if not endorsed by god.
> Aside from this, the top features are definitely as subjective as top 10
> poems ever composed. Nevertheless, here is one site that tends to deal in
> such lists:
> This link concerns is the "Top 10 new data warehousing features in Oracle
> Database 10g" and is actually a fairly decent selection even if it is
> subjective.
> Aside from this, I have found the Oracle Press books "Oracle9i New Features"
> and "Oracle 10G New Features" pretty good for scanning/referencing the
> entire list. For around $2x these books simply provide a comprehensive yet
> concise list of virtually ALL new features. These books are very decent
> references early on and, if nothing else, provide an opportunity for one to
> author that "Oracle 10G Top 10 New Features" book, perhaps.
> By the way, I am authoring the book "Top 10 Reasons to Hate Corporate
> America: How To Save for that First Bypass," however, so don't steal that
> idea. Number one, "Meetings", number two, "Successories," number three,
> "Meetings"...
> Ellis

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