Re: Oracle 9i Top 20 Features?

  • From: Mogens Nørgaard <mln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 10:10:25 +0200

I think the Top 20 would depend on what sort of role you're in 
(Developer, SysAdmin, DBA, Architect). There are (so far) no World 
Championships in New Features, but perhaps we should arrange one...

So you either need to be more specific, or you will end up with various 
lists compiled by people depending entirely on what they know 
beforehand, what they found first in the manuals, what their jobs 
entitle or what other people mentioned randomly to them as Great New 

It's like asking for a list of the Top 10 Cars in the World. It all 
depends. I'm not sure my Honda Shuttle would qualify in any other 
category than Armored Personnel Carrier (what you need if you have four 

Best regards,


Mubarik Ali wrote:
> Hi,
> plz send me the link from where i can read Oracle 9i Top 20 Features.
> Thanks
> Mubarak Ali
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