Re: Oracle 32-bit to 64-bit (AIX)

  • From: chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 08:23:09 +0000

I've not actually done this but I did a fair amount of research on a year or 
so ago as I thought I was going to have to do it. From what I can remember you 
can do what you suggest but I THINK you will need to install on the 
AIX 5.1 machine first. 
Also I'm aware that there are a number of complications regarding 32 bit vs 64 
bit as far as AIX is concerned. This MAY mean you need to run AIX 5.1 in "32 
bit" mode to allow the install, now don't worry you can still run at the same time even though it's 64 bit. This seems wrong but trust 
me you can do it, there are a number of notes on Metalink that talk about 
exactly this. 
HTH and that I've not raised too many more questions in your own mind. 
Quoting Tracy Rahmlow <tracy.rahmlow@xxxxxxxx>: 
> Hi, 
> We are looking to "copy" an database on a AIX 4.3.3 server to a  
> server running on AIX 5.1.  Does anybody have any experience doing  
> this?  Can we mount an 32-bit database on the new platform and  
> then upgrade? 
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Chris Dunscombe 

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