Re: Accounts for dbsnmp and tracesvr

  • From: jo_holvoet@xxxxxxxx
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 09:59:19 +0200

Don't know much about tracesvr, but dbsnmp is the account used by the 
Oracle Intelligent Agent (what's in a name).
You can and SHOULD change the password because it has quite a few default 
privileges. If you are using the agent, you need to update its snmp_rw.ora 
file to indicate the new password. (As an extra, you should also change 
dbsnmp's temp tablespace to something other than system).



"Schauss, Peter" <peter.schauss@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
04/06/2004 22:54
Please respond to oracle-l

        To:     "Oracle-L (E-mail)" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject:        Accounts for dbsnmp and tracesvr

What is the purpose of these two schemas and will I have
problems if I change the default passwords for them?

I checked the manuals and cannot find documentation on


Peter Schauss
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