Re: No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam

  • From: David Ballester <ballester.david@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mzito@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 21:01:29 +0200

2009/7/6 David Ballester <ballester.david@xxxxxxxxx>

>> Now certainly, you can build a >100TB Oracle instance, but the cost and
>> the complexity would be challenging.  In addition, presumably they only
>> see this data store growing, and how do you deal with a 200, 300, 400TB
>> Oracle instance?   Google, for example, in 2006 had approximately 1.2PB
>> of data in their structured data store.  Heaven knows what it is now.
> semi off topic
> Yahoo has a datawarehouse of 2PB and 24 Bilions of 'events' ( changes? )
> per day. They got postgresql source code and rebuild some parts to meet
> their needs
> Afaik, they are very happy with the results
> D.

ops... seems that this year, yahoo reached the 10 PetaBytes

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