No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam

  • From: Sunil Kanderi <sunil.kanderi@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oracle-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 11:47:29 -0700
Interesting article in ComputerWorld about the NoSQL movement. Most of my
DBA experience has been primarily related to large ERP applications and
recently had to start supporting Java Development environment and it almost
feels like a totally different world. Looking at ORM tools like Hibernate,
which is very popular with Java crowd, it baffles me as to how little SQL
one really needs to know to get by with and their general aversion to
understanding SQL. At this point these NoSQL alternatives do not seem to
apply to the enterprises, but mostly to Web 2.0 based applications. However
things could change and was curious to know what the broader Oracle
community thinks about these alternatives especially with Cloud computing
and databases on the cloud, fast catching on within the enterprises. At my
work place, we are migrating all out hardware/database infrastructure to a
hosted platform and I wouldn't be surprised if within the next three years
all our applications being totally supported on a cloud platform. This will
undoubtedly have a big impact on the infrastructure folks, be it OS/hardware
or Database.

Here is a good discussion on the article sited above.


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