Re: NO Oracle Support

  • From: Andrew Kerber <andrew.kerber@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: howard.latham@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 08:06:03 -0600

I have to agree with the OP, Oracle support is not very good at this point.
I have had to elevate a level 2 SR to get answers to fairly straightforward
questions.  As near as I could tell, no one even bothered to look at the SR
let alone answer the question after a week.

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 7:58 AM, Howard Latham <howard.latham@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> I am not irritated I am very disappointed that A company I have worked with
> for Over 25 Years and recommended on a number of Occasions is now so bad
> at dealing with Support Issues.
> On 10 November 2010 13:51, Robert Freeman <robertgfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> >>I really don't see why I should have to socialise with Oracle Staff to
>> get anything done !
>> You answered your own question - Because you want to get things done. You
>> are dealing with people, bottom line, and some are better, some are worse,
>> some are over worked, some are over their head, some are not feeling well,
>> some are in the middle of 50 other SR's at the same level yours are.
>> Organizations are not perfect, I wish they were. At the end of the day, when
>> we have an urgent problem, we have to navigate the org, for better or worse,
>> to get a solution to your problem. Being focused not upset is probably the
>> emotion that will get you the quickest solution.
>> The bottom line, respectfully having been a customer for many years, is
>> that if you want to successfully get something done then the appropriate
>> response to slow support response is not to get mad at the people you are
>> working with. Rather, use the system to get the quickest resolution
>> possible. Make it a SEV1, change the analyst, duty manage it, call your
>> sales organization, etc...etc....etc.... focus on the problem, not on being
>> irritated.
>> Then, once the problem is solved, contact support and sales and let them
>> know about your bad experience and how it's going to impact their bottom
>> line the next time they come calling for license sales.
>> Please know, I understand your frustration in this case. If you want to
>> send me the SR offline, I'll take a look at it and see if I can figure out
>> why it's getting held up.
>> Robert
>> Robert G. Freeman
>> Master Principal Consultant, Oracle Corporation, Oracle ACE
>> Author of various books on RMAN, New Features and this shorter signature
>> line.
>> Blog:
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Howard Latham <howard.latham@xxxxxxxxx>
>> *To:* Robert Freeman <robertgfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>
>> *Cc:* TESTAJ3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Sent:* Wed, November 10, 2010 6:30:35 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: NO Oracle Support
>> We PAY for Oracle Support. EVERY YEAR. This is the first time my SR or Tar
>> (in 25 years) has just been ignored. I really don't see why I should have to
>> socialise with Oracle Staff to get anything done !
>> On 10 November 2010 13:24, Robert Freeman <robertgfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> While the Oracle Support machine can be difficult to deal with sometimes,
>>> if you are getting really bad support there are things you can do. First,
>>> ask to have your case duty managed. This will accelerate the level of
>>> support. If you are not happy with your analyst, then ask for a new one.
>>> If you are still not happy with support, call your sales rep and tell
>>> them what's going on. They can usually back channel some priority to your
>>> case to support. We do this all the time in my group (granted, some of our
>>> customers are pretty well known!)
>>> Another thing you can do is socialize with Oracle people. This takes
>>> time, but as you meet Oracle people, get their cards, know who they are, who
>>> they work for and be prepared to pull strings left and right The sales
>>> organization, in particular, can be an effective lever to pull when you are
>>> under the gun and need help ASAP.
>>> Robert G. Freeman
>>> Master Principal Consultant, Oracle Corporation, Oracle ACE
>>> Author of various books on RMAN, New Features and this shorter signature
>>> line.
>>> Blog:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* "TESTAJ3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <TESTAJ3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> *To:* howard latham <howard.latham@xxxxxxxxx>; ORACLE-L <
>>> oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> *Sent:* Wed, November 10, 2010 4:39:53 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: NO Oracle Support
>>> We haveb an open sr for 2 months all we get from them is "we are looking
>>> into it" from a month ago.  We have to rebuild a 4 terabyte test db.
>>> The old days of calling support and knowing the call takers and speaking
>>> dirrectly yo a develope are gone, they have just grown too big and
>>> impersonal.
>>> I have almost 20 yrs doing this.
>>> Joe
>>> Sent from the crackberry, so please excuse the typos and terseness.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *  From: *Howard Latham [howard.latham@xxxxxxxxx]
>>> *  Sent: *11/10/2010 10:21 AM GMT
>>> *  To: *ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> *  Subject: *NO Oracle Support
>>> Regrettably I have had to type this into an SR raised yesterday.
>>> with Oracle Products for 25 years. This is the worst I have ever been
>>> treated by you. We have decided to rebuild our standby due to the wait
>>> imposed by you to help us.
>>> --
>>> Howard A. Latham
>>> Sent from my Nokia N97
>> --
>> Howard A. Latham
>> Sent from my Nokia N97
> --
> Howard A. Latham
> Sent from my Nokia N97

Andrew W. Kerber

'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'

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