Re: Multiple VMs using the same Oracle binaries

  • From: Wayne Smith <wts@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sbecker6925@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:13:51 -0500

I've not done this, but it will not work if your UIDs and GIDs for oracle,
oinstall, etc. vary at all from system to system.
Cheers, Wayne

   - Dunbar's Law: Software efficiency halves every 18 months thus
   compensating for Moore's Law. -- Norm Dunbar

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Sandra Becker <sbecker6925@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> Currently we are running 10g EE on SUSE10 on an IBM mainframe.  Early
> February we will be getting a new mainframe.  The storage for all
> databases will be unplugged from the old mainframe and plugged into
> the new one.  So far no issues, I've done this before.
> The next step is to upgrade all databases to 11g.  My lead SA informed
> today that he wants to use the same oracle binaries for all database
> VMs.  I can see the benefits from his perspective but I don't think
> that should be the overriding concern here.  He doesn't manage the
> oracle binaries, I do.  Has anyone done the shared binaries between
> servers before?  What are your thoughts?
> --
> Sandy
> Transzap, Inc.
> --
> //


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