Multiple VMs using the same Oracle binaries

  • From: Sandra Becker <sbecker6925@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 13:02:53 -0700

Currently we are running 10g EE on SUSE10 on an IBM mainframe.  Early
February we will be getting a new mainframe.  The storage for all
databases will be unplugged from the old mainframe and plugged into
the new one.  So far no issues, I've done this before.

The next step is to upgrade all databases to 11g.  My lead SA informed
today that he wants to use the same oracle binaries for all database
VMs.  I can see the benefits from his perspective but I don't think
that should be the overriding concern here.  He doesn't manage the
oracle binaries, I do.  Has anyone done the shared binaries between
servers before?  What are your thoughts?

Transzap, Inc.

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