Re: Metalink Fiasco

  • From: Daniel Fink <daniel.fink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 15:56:51 -0700

I just returned from an Oracle 11gR2 release event. One of the sessions included some information about My Oracle Support from an Oracle Support Manager. When the response to who has logged in to My Oracle Support? was met with a few hands and some nervous laughter...he asked who took our online My Oracle Support training? When only 2 hands went up (in a room of 90), his response was to chastise us for not taking the training.

No apologies for the mess.
No acknowledgement for the fiasco.

I walked out.

It appears that the problems are caused by a bunch of untrained users. Yeah...that's the ticket...

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