Re: Maximum height of an Oracle B-tree index

  • From: "Richard Foote" <richard.foote@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 08:31:25 +1000

Hi Jared/Tin and all,

I believe that was precisely how Steve managed it, very small block size, large 
pctfree, a bit of cleverness and heaps of storage (until it ran out). He 
mentioned it btw at the Hotsos tuning class in Sydney last year.

So far the best I've heard privately is height of 6.

Can anyone do better ?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jared.Still@xxxxxxxxxxx 
  To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:46 AM
  Subject: Re: Maximum height of an Oracle B-tree index

  My thoughts mirrored Tims. 

  Though after seeing Jonathan Lewis force a very small index 
  to a blevel of 3 with the clever use of data and storage parms 
  and who knows what else, I decided there was a distinct possibility 
  that I was wrong. 

  I've refrained from asking Steve how he did this, but if I see him 
  at dinner this evening, I will find out and report back.  :) 


  Live from HOTSOS 

       Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
        Sent by: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
         03/10/2004 06:08 AM 
         Please respond to oracle-l 

                To:        <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
                Subject:        Re: Maximum height of an Oracle B-tree index 

  It would take a heckuva lot of space, even with DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 512 and
  PCTFREE=99 on the index, to get BLEVEL over 10...

  Hat's off to Steve on getting it to 20+...

  on 3/9/04 7:18 AM, Richard Foote at richard.foote@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

  > Hi All,
  > I'm currently writing a rather detailed paper for our local user group on
  > Index Internals, tentatively titled "Index Internals - Rebuilding The
  > Truth". I haven't had this much fun with tree and block dumps for quite a
  > while ;)
  > One of the many myths I'm exposing is the "rebuild if index has more than 2,
  > 3, 4, 42, whatever levels". Now to get an honary mention in the paper (what
  > more reward can one wish for !!), I would love to know who on the list has
  > created an index with the greatest height and perhaps a little info on it's
  > circumstance.
  > Steve Adams once mentioned to me creating an index with 20+ levels, can
  > anyone else come close ?
  > Thanks for any replies.
  > Richard
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