RE: Do you ask the question: How do I work with Oracle Support....?

  • From: Wolfgang Breitling <breitliw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'robertgfreeman@xxxxxxxxx'" <robertgfreeman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2011 19:56:29 -0600

I would second that opinion - although my recent Support experiences don't seem to have reached 10 so I am still waiting for the 1. I've largely given up on Oracle support, especially after a support analyst ( supposedly one of their "top guns" ) wrote this in an SR after reviewing a 10046 trace I sent ( emphasis mine ):

In the TKPROF output which looks at Query Parse, Fetch, and Execute times: CPU is the "Expected Oracle clocked time to perform this step of the query" Elapsed on the other hand is the "actual time it took to perform the Execution" of the query Under most circumstances we would expect the CPU and Elapsed time to maintain close to a 1:1 ratio This means Oracle expects the Clock time to be XXX seconds and the Elapsed time ends up being ~ XXX seconds

At least after challenged on this statement about cpu time in the 10046 trace he corrected his stand.

I tend to let others deal with Oracle support. Life is too short for that kind of aggravation.

At 15:59 4/6/2011, Michael Dinh wrote:
I get a great experience less than 10% of the time.

I have SR opened from 3+ months ago where analyst is clueless.

Provided test case and example as well.

Attempted to escalate and still have gone nowhere.


Wolfgang Breitling
Centrex Consulting Corporation 

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