RE: Blade Servers

  • From: "Matthew Zito" <mzito@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 16:39:55 -0400

> Well ... OK.  So I guess that means not having the functionality at =
all is
> better?  Enlighten me.  I'm missing something here.

Well, no, some functionality is better than no functionality, of course. =
 But there are a lot of limitations that make domaining unsuitable for a =
number of environments that Sun has been selling it into.  I should have =
made clear that my point was just was to educate about the limitations, =
since Sun is certainly not taking that step with their customers.
> And this is a lot of space?
> > All this for a maximum of 106 processors.
> > In comparison, you can put 168 Intel processors
> Silly me!  You have me here.  I forgot that it is all about=20
> processor count.
> but everything else is crap.  And I STILL get stuck in this mode that =
> "everything else" part matters too ... A LOT.

"I can't see how going to blades is going to save space."

That's what I was addressing.  Certainly, there is no comparison, =
architecturally, between a large SMP server such as an e15k and a bunch =
of individual blade servers.  If I ever gave that impression, I =
apologize.  But, if we're going to be talking about processor and server =
density, not to mention heating, power, and cooling, then the e15k is =
about the worst offender I've seen outside of the mainframe world.

> > From IBM, the same config lists out at $650k in blades
> I see that IBM still sells the multi-CPU servers.  Are these intended =
> idiots who don't know any better?

Nono, there's a bunch of reasons why you might want multi-cpu servers.  =
For example, you use Cisco switches, and don't want to use the built-in =
blade server ethernet switches.  You require a particular kind of fibre =
channel card only available on standard servers.  Or you need lots of =
I/O connectivity - a server with 8 fibre channel connections, for =
example. =20

But for the environment he's discussing - dev instances, where there's =
going to be regresssion testing, application/load instances, etc., =
density becomes important, as well as keeping costs down.  Spending $2m =
on a single server with limited flexibility, high environmental costs, =
high support costs, and poor density for a development environment seems =
unsupportable to me.  Perhaps an organization with deep pockets might =

> > I realize that money may not be an issue, but if you're building out
> > lots of small servers, the logic of using a huge Sun server and
> > partitioning it escapes me, I'm afraid.
> I'm afraid my e-mail client malfunctioned, and the part of the=20
> original post
> that specified these were to be small servers was lost.

Well, he said blade servers, which means a maximum of 4-processor =
servers - I qualify a 4-processor server as "small".  My point was only =
that, if you're already looking at an environment that limits you to =
four processor servers, moving to an environment that doesn't really =
carve up well at that size seems ill-advised, at best. =20

On the flip side, if he had said, "I need 4 20-processor servers", it =
would have been equally ill-advised for me to recommend blade servers - =
at that point, an e15k-style server becomes an attractive option.

Thanks very much,

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