Blade Servers

  • From: "Todd Carlson" <tcarlson@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 12:40:39 -0500

Hey All,

We are a mid-size software house with an OPN agreement. I currently have
60 databases running on 5 platforms using 25 plus servers. We are
running out of space in the data center and the projects ramping up this
year require another 20 databases. On the Unix side of the house, we
lease large servers and run upwards of 10 databases on the machines.
That can't be done on the Intel platform.


I have convinced management that we can do the majority of our
development using RedHat ES 3, which means Intel hardware. Blade servers
are hot and they want me to look at using blades and or VMware. We would
be running dedicated fiber to our EMC for each blade. 


My first thought was that this was not a good idea for several reasons.
Is anyone using blade servers for Oracle 9.2.4? Googling results in very
little meaningful information. Does anyone know of good documentation on
this subject?




Todd Carlson

Oracle Database Administrator, Manager DBS

Tripos, Inc.

(314) 951-3246


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