Re: Batch and OLTP at the same time : Mission possible ?

  • From: Daniel Fink <danielwfink@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bguillaumin.ext@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 'Oracle-L Freelists' <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:16:24 -0700 (PDT)


One thing to consider is the impact of these processes on queries. If a query 
is reading the data (or other data in the same block) you are updating, there 
might be a significant performance penalty. I have seen reporting queries run 
up to 42 times slower when they are generating read consistent views of the 
data because a poorly designed and coded update process is running at the same 

Daniel Fink

GUILLAUMIN Bert Ext ROSI/SI CLIENT <bguillaumin.ext@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
From: "GUILLAUMIN Bert Ext ROSI/SI CLIENT" <bguillaumin.ext@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Oracle-L Freelists'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Batch and OLTP at the same time : Mission possible ?
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 15:43:55 +0200

 Hi !
I've been assigned the task to develop a batch process which is supposed
to run while users are using the database(and not a small number of them :
3  000 on a 12 CPU machine). 

The batch in itself mainly inserts(sometimes updates) records into 15 huge
tables(between 20 and 50M lines, no partition) and expected volumes are 10
000 thousands records/hour/table. There may be inserts/updates on those
tables while the batch is running.

I am a little bit worried about what is the best way to implement such a
thing knowing I have to check the existence/non existence of the
objects/links sent and to get/generate internal ids(I have 5 files of
about 10 000 lines and external ids in the files are only mapped on 5 of
the tables). For now the batch only runs during the night(using parallel
query to go faster) and uses staging temporary tables to control
fonctionnal and technical coherence as well as getting internal ids(when

My first thoughts were to keep the same way of functionning without the
parallel mode but I fear it may cause contentions on the tables(inserts
are quite slow already). So I thought maybe doing it record by record and
then committing but I wonder whether it could be to slow.

The batch is coded in what can be considered as PL/SQL. The database is in

Any thoughts/remarks appreciated.

Bertrand Guillaumin


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