RE: ANTs Data Server?

  • From: Jared.Still@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 10:23:56 -0700

> I just don't get the whole "cache everything, and everything will be ok"
> argument. The vast majority of the slow tasks I've seen in the past ten
> years have all executed "in cache" to begin with!
> ...And fixing them has, almost every time, required either optimization 
> of
> SQL, or optimization of the application code that calls the SQL. I just
> don't see how /any/ database can defend itself against all the types of
> abuse that an application developer can throw at it.

Here's my take on the thought process behind this.

Problem:  Oracle/DB2/SQL Server is too slow.  It spends too much
time reading data from disk.

Solution:  Cache all the data. It's well known that memory access
is ~14,000 times faster than disk access.  We'll clean up!



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