RE: list welcome message

  • From: "Curtis Delzer" <curtis@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "optacon-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <optacon-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 08:13:43 -0700

Hi everyone. In 1980 I trained at TSI on the optacon, so have always had a good 
bit of interest in it's use and availability, parts, etc. It could always do 
what no other device could do for recognizing odd environments 
where reading from weird placed labels, etc. was necessary, read crt screens, 
typewriter carridges, etc. and when you think of why it was developed, makes 
you wonder where the lady is today who inspired the 
device in the first place. *smile*

Curtis Delzer

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