Re: LuaJIT-on-Xen?

  • From: Javier Guerra Giraldez <javier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 20:10:32 -0500

On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Alexander Gladysh <agladysh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> If you're running tasks behind nginx, uWSGI is a _very_ good
>> process-cycle manager. with cgroups capability it should do everything
>> you want
> But I also run job queue workers without nginx. Can I implement a job
> queue with uWSGI?

sure.  uWSGI is no longer just a webapp container, it's a very
extensive toolkit to manage all kinds of processes with the loose
definition of being an "shared hosting infrastructure".

it's way offtopic, but to put it short, it uses a simplified protocol
to forward queries around, not just web request queries.  there's a
simple but reasonably effective job queue/workers, a local cache (not
the best part of the architecture, IMO), multi-machine
clustering/coordination, process-lifetime management, dynamic request
routing, and lots and lots more.

seriously; if you put anything more complex than a few scripts behind
a web server, do check it.


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