[GeoStL] "How to" sessions

  • From: GC-RGS <gc-rgs@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: GC-maillist <geocaching@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 21:12:05 -0600

There had been some talk thru the maillist that there was some interest in 
learning more about the GPS's and some of their features. 

I stopped by my local County Library branch tonight to get details of their 
rooms. Years ago when I was in the AutoCAD user group, the rooms were free. Now 
they charge $10 for a 3 hr. session, which still isn't bad for a private room. 
Some evenings are booked in advance for a year by groups that have weekly or 
monthly meetings. She said there are still a lot of openings that we could get. 
Cost and policies are the same for all county Library branches and HQ on 
Lindbergh. The only difference is different branches probably have different 
dates open. Chairs, microphone, TV with VCR, pull down screen, and a whiteboard 
are furnished. An overhead projector is available via request, but they do not 
have a projector to display a PC screen. Food, drinks, taking money, etc is not 

If there's enough interest and we can get a feeling of what should be 
presented, I'd think that this would be something doable on an as needed basic.

What's everyone's thoughts on this?


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